Examenul de bacalaureat naţional 2019 - Proba scrisă la Limba engleză


Examenul de bacalaureat naţional 2019


Proba C 

de evaluare a competenţelor lingvistice într-o limbă de circulaţie internaţională studiată pe parcursul învăţământului liceal 


 Proba scrisă la Limba engleză


Toate filierele, profilurile şi specializările/ calificările



        Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

        Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 120 de minute.




SUBIECTUL I                                                                                              (40 de puncte)


Read the text below. Are the sentences 1-5 'Right' (A) or 'Wrong' (B)? If there is not enough information to answer 'Right' (A) or 'Wrong' (B), choose 'Doesn't say' (C). Mark A, B or C on your exam sheet.


Math has never been my thing. I have always had a hard time understanding it. After spending freshman and sophomore year with the same teacher, I felt doomed for junior year. After my first day, I felt like this was the year I was going to understand it, and I felt this because of my teacher; Mr. Schmid. His style of teaching was basic, and simple. He always taught at a good pace and made sure that everyone was right with him before moving on. We took notes, did examples, worked in groups, discussed homework and played math games every once in a while. It was the first time I actually looked forward to coming to math class. Half way through the year, I felt I had a good grasp on the subject. For the first time in High School, I got an ‘A’ on a math test. I was feeling confident, but still wanted that extra push. Mr. Schmid offered to help me with my homework during my 10th hour study hall. Every other day during my 10th hour, I went back to the math room to discuss my homework. There were usually about two or three other students there getting help also. We worked our way through all of the problems on the assignment, and if I was still a little shaky, he made up more examples till I did understand. Somehow, he managed to completely help me and three other students in just 40 minutes. After we all finished, there was usually around five to seven minutes left before the bell rang. That’s when we would discuss our favorite teams. We talked about the Brewers, Packers, and Badgers. Having Mr. Schmid as my teacher changed my views on math. I know now that it’s okay and always a good idea to go in for extra help. I had to go on to my senior math class without Mr. Schmid as my teacher this year. I will always remember him as “the teacher who somehow managed to make math make sense.”


1.  Mr. Schmid was in his junior year.

A.  Right                                  B. Wrong                                C. Doesn’t say


2.  Mr. Schmid’s teaching style was not appreciated by authorities.

A.  Right                                  B. Wrong                                C. Doesn’t say



3.  Mr. Schmid helped students with their homework.           

A.  Right                                  B. Wrong                                C. Doesn’t say

4.  Mr. Schmid disliked talking about sports teams with his students.

A.  Right                                  B. Wrong                                C. Doesn’t say

5.  Mr. Schmid managed to change the author’s opinion on maths.  

A.  Right                                  B. Wrong                                C. Doesn’t say



SUBIECTUL al II-lea                                                                                   (60 de puncte)


Read the text below. For questions 1-10, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

How to be a successful monarch 

 Longevity is a great personal achievement for a monarch, although it is not a marker of success on its own. Queen Victoria’s 63 years and 216 days defined an age in British history; but in terms of relative accomplishment and reputation-building, Henry V’s nine years and 163 days – during which he won at Agincourt and conquered France – were pretty potent too.  That being said, a long reign can be a good way to earn a lasting reputation. Elizabeth I (44 years) and Edward III (50 years) were both remarkably tenacious rulers, and although both eventually went rather stale, they were living legends by their old age. George III (59 years) followed much the same path. His reign ended, like Edward III’s, in the misery of personal decay and mental collapse, but before that came victories in the Seven Years’ War and the Napoleonic Wars, and survival during the sorely testing American War of Independence. 

 Behind – or beside – almost every successful monarch is a trusted consort. Elizabeth II has Prince Philip. Victoria had Albert. William III (and II) and Mary II had one another. Henry VIII began his reign with one fine queen, Catherine of Aragon, and ended it with another, Katherine Parr – although he had to go through four other, rather less satisfactory, versions in between.  One of the most intriguing partnerships in the history of the British monarchy was the marriage between Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine in 1152. This ultimately brought Eleanor’s huge southern French duchy into union with the English crown and the links between England and Gascony would endure for 300 years. And since Eleanor had previously been married to Louis VII of France, her remarriage to Henry signalled a huge shift in continental power away from the Capetian dynasty toward the new Plantagenet crown. Henry and Eleanor fell out dramatically in 1173–74 when the queen encouraged her sons in a massive rebellion and was imprisoned for more than a decade. However, she endured and emerged in old age to hold together the reigns of Richard the Lionheart and, until her death in 1204, her youngest son, King John. 

 Mary, Queen of Scots never had the greatest judgment, and her decision to marry her cousin Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, in 1565 was among her worst. Darnley turned out to be a drunken, diseased murderer, who was eventually strangled before his house was blown up with gunpowder in 1567. 

 The most basic fact of British monarchy is that it is hereditary. Its future depends on maintaining a large royal family who can ensure that the bloodline survives, no matter what. Notable successes in this field include Henry II – whose children numbered three kings of England, and queens of Castile and Sicily. Edward III’s many children restocked the Plantagenet dynasty during a lean time at the end of the 14th century.

 Even Henry VIII, whose troubles with producing an heir had such a profound effect on English history, managed to father three more Tudor monarchs, carrying the dynasty to the end of the 16th century. Perhaps the greatest success of all, however, was George III, who produced 15 children with his queen, Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. Two of his sons (George IV and William IV) ruled after him, and although neither produced a direct heir, Queen Victoria (George III’s granddaughter through his fourth son, Edward, Duke of Kent) still inherited the crown in 1837.

 It’s all very well spreading the royal seed, but it needs to remain in the family. Henry I fathered more than 20 children, but only two were legitimate: William the Ætheling, who died in a shipwreck, and the Empress Matilda. When Henry died in 1135 his decision to name Matilda as his heir led to the 19-year civil war known as the Anarchy.

 Monarchy is stamped into the landscape as much as it is written in the history books, and even otherwise useless rulers have obtained some redemption through their building works. To the otherwise inadequate Plantagenet rulers Henry III and Henry VI, for example, we owe Westminster Abbey, Eton and King’s College, Cambridge.

 In the Middle Ages, kings built castles, and in that sense, all were following the lead of their ancestor William the Conqueror, whose campaigns in England in the 11th century were secured by building and garrisoning fortresses. During the Stuart restoration, the classicalbaroque style flourished, under masters like Christopher Wren (whose masterpiece was the new St Paul’s Cathedral) and Nicholas Hawksmoor (who developed Wren’s work in Greenwich). The last great phase of royal building came under Queen Victoria – or, rather, Prince Albert. Balmoral was created as a royal holiday residence in Scotland, while in London the museums and cultural spaces around South Kensington were begun under Albert’s influence (and, later, in his memory).

 Royal building is an exercise in controlling your own legacy. Elizabeth I refused to follow royal custom by designing her own tomb. Thus she rests in Westminster Abbey beneath a squat, ugly effigy ordered by James VI and I, which compares noticeably badly to the tomb of James’s mother, Mary, Queen of Scots, whom Elizabeth had executed.


(adapted from www.historyextra.com)


1.     Why is Henry V’s reign more important than Queen Victoria’s?  

            A. There were no conflicts.

B.  He was a powerful king.

C.  Due to his achievements and people’s admiration.

D.  He was more powerful than Queen Victoria.


2.     What did Elizabeth I and Edward III have in common?

A.  Towards the end of their reign, they lost interest in what they were doing.

B.  They were not interested in getting married.

C.  They were better than George III. 

D. They didn’t have mental problems like George III.


3.     The examples of marriages given in the third paragraph prove that 

            A. there were more kings than queens along the history.

B.  a queen’s reign lasts longer than a king’s reign.

C.  a successful monarch is supported by his/her consort.

D.  some kings had several marriages.


4.     Why did Eleanor quarrel with her husband, Henry II?

A.  Because she supported family members in a rebellion.

B.  Because of her previous marriage. 

C.  Because of her rebellious sons.

D.  Because they could not get on with each other.


5.     The continuity of the British Monarchy depends on 

            A. well defined political circumstances.

B.  the period when the king/ queen reigns.

C.  how powerful the king/ queen is.

D.  the number of heirs a king/ queen has.


6.     How did Victoria become Queen?

A.  She inherited the throne from William IV.

B.  Her father was previously the King of England.

C.  Her uncles didn’t have children.

D.  She inherited the crown when her grandfather died in 1837.


7.     Why couldn’t Henry I be followed to the throne by one of his sons? 

            A. The only legitimate one died.

B.  He preferred his daughter to his son.

C.  He did not have any legitimate children.

D.  Matilda forced him to proclaim her his heir.


8.     Even if some rulers were inefficient, during their reign 

            A. new architectural styles were created.

B.  people did not rebel.

C.  the construction of famous buildings began. 

D.  the country prospered.


9.     Who was the first to impose a trend in building? A. the Stuarts.

B.  William the Conqueror.

C.  Prince Albert.

D.  Queen Victoria.


10.  What is the meaning of “effigy” in the last paragraph? 

            A. tomb of a person.

B.  sculpture of a person. 

C.  grave of a person.

D.  coffin of a person.





     SUBIECTUL I                                                                                              (40 de puncte)


You have recently gone to an international camp, having spent a week abroad. Write an email to a friend, telling him/her about your experience. Include information about where you stayed, what you did and how you benefitted from the experience.  


Write your email in 80 - 100 words.


SUBIECTUL al II-lea                                                                                                 (60 de puncte)


You have recently participated in a class discussion on the topic of education in your country. The discussion centred around solutions to be found in order to improve the current situation, such as increased funding and better training for teachers. You have decided to write an essay on this topic for your teacher describing three solutions you would forward and their beneficial effects. Write your essay in 180 - 200 words.




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