
Exercises. Translate into English

  SET I 1.      Ninge. 2.      În Franța plouă des. 3.      Plouă de trei ore. 4.      A nins. 5.      A plouat de la 7 la 8. 6.      Ploua când am ajuns la Londra. 7.      Ninsese când am ajuns. 8.      Ploua de trei zile când ne-am întors de la Paris. 9.      Credem că a nins. 10.   Credeam că ninge. 11.   Credeam că va ninge. 12.   Tom mi-a spus că va telefona mai târziu. 13.   Sora mea mai mare e cu cinci ani mai în vârstă decât mine. 14.   Ai citit ultima carte a lui Hilary Mantel? 15.   Ultimul roman a lui Thomas Hardy se numea ”Jude the Obscure”. 16.   Dacă aș fi avut timp, aș fi citit articolul aseară. 17.   Dacă îmi va împrumuta umbrela galbenă, mă voi duce la plimbare. 18.   Dacă l-aș întâlni pe John, i-aș spune că s-a purtat urât cu noi toți. 19.   Dacă îl căutai acasă, îl găseai. 20.   Dacă veneai ieri dimineață la mine, ascultai niște muzică bună.         CHEIA SET I 1.      It is snowing. 2.      It rains quite often

Education of Yesterday and Today’s Learning

 Education of Yesterday and Today’s Learning  Why is education and learning important for every human being? Education is an important tool that helps an individual work for a better future. When we say education,   it is the continuous process of learning things – from simple knowledge to complex information.  As the world’s population is growing, the number of people who value the importance of education is increasing as well. However, some people believe that the quality of education in former times is incomparable to the quality of education today. But this is the opposite of what some scholars say today; due to modernization and globalization, education today is far more excellent than the education before. Thus, the learning of students nowadays is great, fast, and efficient. It is most likely that if the quality of education is excellent, the contribution of learning to the students has a great impact as well  But, what is the difference between systems of education in former ti


  Experiential learning is a constructivist and heuristic way to help people identify changes necessary to their skills, attitudes and behaviours, then implement the changes for better performance. Experiential learning (EL) is may be simply explained: learning by doing.  Everyone has learned to walk or talk, not by being shown or told, but by practising and improving as time passed. Consequently, this method can be implemented in all sorts of situations with people from all walks of life. EL can be applied regardless age, education, experience, ability, background or culture Within the field of Talent Development, EL can best be defined as: “developing personal understanding, knowledge, skills and attitudes through the analysis of, and reflection on, activity”. In this definition ‘Activity’ is used as being anything from an individual explaining an idea or completing a simple task to highly complex group interactions involving a wide range of mental attributes and behaviours. 

Thursday, November 24th

  The annual Thanksgiving holiday tradition in the United States is documented at its earliest in 1619, in what is now called the Commonwealth of  Virginia . Thirty-eight English settlers aboard the ship  Margaret  arrived by way of the James River at  Berkeley Hundred  in  Charles City County, Virginia  on December 4, 1619. The landing was immediately followed by a religious celebration, specifically dictated by the group's charter from the  London Company . The charter declared, "that the day of our ships arrival at the place assigned for plantation in the land of Virginia shall be yearly and perpetually kept holy as a day of thanksgiving to Almighty God." Since the mid 20th century, the original celebration has been commemorated there annually at present-day  Berkeley Plantation , ancestral home of the  Harrison family of Virginia . The more familiar Thanksgiving precedent is traced to the  Pilgrims  and  Puritans  who emigrated from England in the 1620s and 1630s. The

A Controversial Question: Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Each October, a controversial question comes up: "Should Christians celebrate Halloween?" With no direct references to Halloween in the Bible, resolving the debate can be a challenge. How should Christians approach Halloween? Is there a biblical way to observe this secular holiday? A few of today's popular celebrations associated with Halloween have pagan roots stemming from the ancient  Celtic festival, Samhain . This harvest festival of the Druids ushered in the  New Year , beginning on the evening of October 31 with the lighting of bonfires and offering of sacrifices. As the Druids danced around the fires, they celebrated the end of the summer and the beginning of the season of darkness. It was believed that at this time of year the invisible "gates" between the natural world and the spirit world would open, allowing free movement between the two worlds. During the 8th century in the diocese of Rome, Pope Gregory III moved  All Saints Day  to November 1, offi


  Introduction   It is always better to start learning a foreign language as early as possible. This definitely also applies to English. Children will have a far better time learning English if you introduce it to them at an early age. This is all great since there are lots of opportunity to study just by playing and having a good time. Here are five reasons why you children should study English as early as possible. They develop a better accent If you learned English late, you might have noticed just  how hard it is to pronounce words  like a native. There is always an accent that just won’t go away. You can try getting rid of it to sound almost like a native but that needs a ton of practice. When you are learning the language as a child, however, it is much easier to attain a native-sounding accent. The best time to start is as soon as possible, but no matter how late you might be, late is always better than never. It has been shown that even adolescents under the age of 15