
Se afișează postări din decembrie, 2022


  Experiential learning is a constructivist and heuristic way to help people identify changes necessary to their skills, attitudes and behaviours, then implement the changes for better performance. Experiential learning (EL) is may be simply explained: learning by doing.  Everyone has learned to walk or talk, not by being shown or told, but by practising and improving as time passed. Consequently, this method can be implemented in all sorts of situations with people from all walks of life. EL can be applied regardless age, education, experience, ability, background or culture Within the field of Talent Development, EL can best be defined as: “developing personal understanding, knowledge, skills and attitudes through the analysis of, and reflection on, activity”. In this definition ‘Activity’ is used as being anything from an individual explaining an idea or completing a simple task to highly complex group interactions involving a wide range of mental attributes and behaviours.